Amazon Book Launch

Dear Friends and Followers,

Hurray! The physical launch of Book I and Book II of the Maxine Alexander Mystery Series, which are based on true-life child kidnappings that occurred in 2011 and 2022 in Dominica, was a wonderful event. A Dominican crowd enjoyed pan music, refreshments, and listened to messages on child abuse prevention from the National Youth Council and Delia Cuffy-Weeks. Sales of Rainforest Redemption and Blessings on Blessings were brisk, and I hope these books can offer at least fictional closure to these otherwise tragic situations.

While it’s always a pleasure to present my books in person, getting online reviews is a challenge. In an attempt to reach a broader audience, I have gently tweaked the titles and covers on Amazon. Rainforest Redemption has become Climbing Jacko’s Steps – Terror in the Rainforest and Blessings on Blessings is now Bring Blessings Home – The Desperate Search for a Missing Child.

Don’t be confused. The content is exactly the same.

So, here’s the deal. As part of the Amazon promotion, you will have an opportunity to access the KDP eBooks of Climbing Jacko’s Steps – Terror in the Rainforest  and Bring Blessings Home -The Desperate Search for a Missing Child for FREE for 5 days from June 1st to June 5th, 2024. All I ask is that you read at least 25% on your Kindle device. Then go to the individual book page or the Amazon Series Page , click on write a review, and submit an honest, legitimate review and /or promote the books on your social media and/or blog site. After June 5th, 2024, the eBooks and paperbacks will be available from Amazon at regular price.

I thank you in advance for your support as a partner in our continuing literary journey, and I sincerely hope you enjoy the books.
